Tuesday 19 April 2011


An understanding about the meaning of something.

you are the mixture
of passion and ignorance
of trust and simple truths
you are wonderful that way
your eyes glisten with curiosity

I on the other hand
have spent willingness
like a rusted nail
granted three wishes
I gave them all away
to those
who would change things
*This poem talks about the young people who have a greater chance of changing things. Old people have experienced a lot, but they cannot change the way things were. Youngsters, however, can and will experience new things and learn deeper than those that have aged. Though they might still be ignorant and young, but they'll grow through time. The old peopel leave the future to the young ones.
When reading a poem, readers should understand what a poem means. It might be deep and thoughtful, and they'll have to find out what it is. The readers will understand and know more about the poem if they interpretate.

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